After the Earth Wars Read online
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"No, I appear to have forgotten to mention it."
"I will need to return to Iosera to discuss it with Tarais, as well as retrieving the data you require."
"And what guarantee do I have that you will return?"
"You have my word as an Elder of the LightStar Clan."
As Evahlia stood up to leave, the commander grabbed hold of her arm.
"Well you know what will happen if you fail to return, so I will accept your word."
The commander opened the door, then turned to face Evahlia.
"I am looking forward to us working together, it will be a very pleasurable experience."
Evahlia didn't respond, she just glared at the commander as she left his quarters.
When she arrived at the docking bay, she hurriedly boarded Zareli's fighter and sat down.
"Get us out of here now."
"Are you all right?"
Zareli powered up his fighter, requested clearance to launch, then headed out into space.
"What happened?"
"I can't talk about it, classified information."
"Not even a few small details that might assist our fight against the military?"
"I think we'd better get you back to Iosera before your rage gets any worse, I've already got a headache."
"I'm sorry Zareli, I just don't like being given an ultimatum."
"What did the commander threaten to do?"
"Please I really can't talk about it, just take me home."
"All right, I get the message."
Increasing his speed to the max, Zareli set a course for Iosera. Neither of them spoke another word.
Once they had safely landed back on Iosera, Evahlia went to disembark, Zareli glanced round.
"Will you be needing my services again?"
"Yes, but if you've got something else to do, we can call you when we're ready."
"Well I do have a collection scheduled, so I'll sort that out and return, I won't be long."
"Thank you Zareli, I do truly appreciate your help."
Evahlia left the fighter, and walked over to Tarais' quarters and knocked on the door.
"Evahlia, I wasn't expecting you back so soon."
She could sense that there was someone in the room and Tarais wasn't happy about being disturbed. Part of her felt hurt, although she and Tarais didn't have a formal relationship, they had been lovers for a long time. Now it looked as though she'd been replaced.
"We need to talk, there is a major problem, I'll wait for you in the Vaults."
Evahlia turned and walked away.
When she got to the Vaults, Evahlia started a search for the information the commander wanted. She found several references to a telepathy device, then finally found some schematics and manufacturing instructions. It appeared they'd never actually been produced, so whether or not it would work was open to conjecture.
She copied the data to disk and printed out a hard copy. Hearing footsteps approaching, and sensing Tarais' presence, Evahlia quickly hid the information inside her cloak.
"You wanted to talk to me?"
Evahlia stood up and turned round.
"I am so sorry if I interrupted something…"
"You know that someone was in my quarters, so I'm not going to defend my actions. There has never been anything formal between us…"
"And there never will be Tarais. Now I'm ready to return to the space station, and it will be a long while before I return."
"The commander is working on a new project, that is what he wanted the data for. I cannot disclose what the project is, however he has stipulated that I work with him. Failure to do so will result in him relocating the project here and I'm sure you don't want Iosera occupied by the military."
"Can you at least tell me what kind of project it is?"
"Something that goes against everything I believe in, but one I am willing to sacrifice myself for to protect Iosera."
"You don't have to do this Evahlia, I'm sure we can reach a more suitable agreement with the commander."
"You haven't met him Tarais, he is not the kind of person you reach any agreement with, he dictates…you obey. Now if you'll excuse me, I sense Zareli is about to land."
"Evahlia, don't you think we should call a meeting of the Elders to discuss this?"
"I see little point in that Tarais, I have made my decision, you can discuss it with the Elders if you wish."
Before Tarais could respond, Evahlia left the room, she couldn't tell him what she was planning to do. Heading for the landing zone, as soon as Zareli's fighter landed, Evahlia hurried on board.
As Evahlia took her seat, she turned to Zareli.
"I need to ask you to do something for me, once we've launched."
Zareli quickly powered up the engines and headed into orbit.
Evahlia took the hard copy of the data out of her cloak and handed it to Zareli.
"This is the data the commander wanted."
Zareli looked at the schematics.
"Dumarrak might know at a glance what this is about, but I don't, care to explain?"
"Those are the schematics to create an implant which is placed on the back of the neck. It stimulates the neural cortex and theoretically, can turn someone into a Telepath. The commander plans to use it to create CyberTelepaths."
"So how is that a threat to us?"
"The CyberTelepaths could use the power of their mind against you, in theory they could force you to start shooting at each other. Or just shut your brains down before they kill you so you'd have no defence."
"Shit and people think I'm a psychopath. So what do you want me to do?"
"Kidnap me."
"Well certainly make it look like you've kidnapped me. If I just go on the run, the commander has threatened to occupy Iosera, I can't allow that to happen. So you need to get me to a safe place where the military can't get to me. Can you protect me Zareli?"
"Hell yes, with my life if I have to…"
Zareli glanced at the scanners.
"Looks like we've got company…no problem, I've outrun one of their cruisers before…"
"Wait, you'd better issue your threat so they are quite clear about what has happened."
Zareli activated a communication link.
"This is Zareli of the IceWarrior Clan, I have taken Evahlia hostage as I believe she is about to pass on sensitive information that will be detrimental to all the Clans in our war against you. Please relay this information to Commander Straken of the Pentaugh Space Station."
Zareli dropped the link, powered up the engines and headed out of military space.
"Where are we going?"
"We've only got one option…Kalocia."
"Are you serious, Kalocia is a hell hole, I won't be any safer there than with the military."
"On your own, definitely not, but you're now officially under the protection of the IceWarrior Clan. Trust me Evahlia, you'll be perfectly safe on Kalocia."
As Zareli's fighter approached Kalocia, he sent a coded message, then turned to Evahlia.
"The IceWarrior Clan runs a small operation on Kalocia, that is how I can guarantee your safety. Dumarrak will be waiting for us."
Evahlia watched at they approached a large building, the doors slowly opened and Zareli carefully took his fighter inside. As they disembarked, Dumarrak walked over to them, grabbed Zareli's arm and dragged him to one side.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, we allow no one but the IceWarrior Clan and our associates in here."
"Evahlia is under our protection, though as far as the military is concerned, we've kidnapped her."
"You've lost your mind Zareli."
"Before you judge me, there's something I want you to see."
Zareli turned to Evahlia.
"Show Dumarrak the data."
Evahlia passed the hard copy of the schematics over to Dumarrak wh
o scowled at her. He scanned the data and swore under his breath.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but this implant can be used to create Telepaths…specifically CyberTelepaths can't it?"
"Yes Dumarrak, that is what the commander is planning to do."
"Then it's lucky we kidnapped you isn't it?"
Evahlia stared at Dumarrak nervously, he laughed and put his arm around her shoulders.
"We'll protect you Evahlia, have no doubt about that. By stopping this data from reaching the commander, you might have just won us the war."
"Especially if I allow you to use the data for yourselves, isn't that what you were thinking?"
Zareli slapped Dumarrak on the back and laughed.
"I think I forgot to mention that Evahlia is a Telepath!"
"Aren't there rules against reading minds?"
"Dumarrak, as I once said to Zareli, you think too loud, I don't have to scan. Now imagine going against a CyberTelepath…"
"All right, I get the picture, so back to my question, and I'll ask it this time. Would you allow us to use this data for ourselves?"
"I don't think it will be necessary, if the commander isn't going to create his CyberTelepaths, what do you need to become one for?"
"To win the war of course, we need one last push to see the end of the military for good. Surely you can't object to that?"
"Are you thinking of offering the implant to all the Clans, to every member?"
"Evahlia, even I know that would be too dangerous. I was thinking of myself and Zareli, and possibly the leaders of each Clan, with a second in command if they choose. We could distract their thoughts while the rest of the Clans move in for the kill."
"You do realise it is not as simple as fitting this device and becoming a Telepath, there will be a lot of training involved. All of which I will have to do myself."
"Well once Zareli and myself are trained, can't we then train the other Clan leaders?"
"No, the training will need to be done by a natural Telepath. Just one wrong command and you end up with fried synapses. Now I'm sure you wouldn't like that to happen…or I hope not."
Zareli had been pacing up and down, he stopped and turned to face Evahlia.
"In your opinion would we need any more than four Telepaths to achieve our goal?"
"Possibly not, so apart from you and Dumarrak, who were you thinking of?"
"Well the Clan we work most closely with are the NightStorm Clan, so their leader Vysani would be the third…and you Evahlia the fourth."
"May I remind you that I am of the LightStar Clan and we have a strong anti-military stance, I cannot do what you are asking of me."
"I was only asking you to be the fourth Telepath to monitor us, to guide us. It would be disrespectful to ask you to actually participate in the war, I know that."
"All right, I shall consider your proposal Zareli. Now is there somewhere I can rest, it has been a very long day."
"Well we only have basic accommodation here…come with me."
"Have a good look at the schematics Dumarrak, we'll talk about it further in the morning."
"Of course Evahlia, good night."
Evahlia followed Zareli through to the back of the warehouse and into the living quarters. She took a look around, there were two beds and an old couch.
"As I said, basic accommodation, though I forgot to mention you'll have to share with us. Take one of the beds, Dumarrak and I can fight over the other."
"I don't mind sleeping on the couch, I'm smaller than you two, both of you would be hanging over the end!"
"Well I'm not going to argue with that logic. We'll try not to disturb you when we come to bed. Good night Evahlia."
As Zareli left the room, Evahlia lay down on the couch and pulled her cloak around her. It wasn't as uncomfortable as it first appeared, and she quickly fell asleep.
On the Pentaugh space station, Commander Straken was in Captain Serolich's office having just filed a report about Evahlia's kidnap.
"Has Tarais found a copy of the data yet?"
"No captain, he found Evahlia's log of data she's accessed, but there was no record of her retrieving the data I asked for."
"Do you think she deleted the data after downloading a copy?"
"That is possible captain, I have no doubts about her integrity, she knew the danger of that information getting into the wrong hands."
"And sadly it is now in the wrong hands. Do you think Evahlia would have willingly told Zareli what information she had?"
"Certainly not, as I said before I have no doubts about her honesty, she is an Elder of the LightStar Clan. They have always distanced themselves from the war because of their beliefs. No, she would not have willingly told Zareli anything and that concerns me."
"Do we have any idea where Zareli may have taken her?"
"Well there's two obvious choices, either back to his base on Aquagius…or to Kalocia."
"Have you arranged for a cruiser to go and check out the area?"
"No captain, our resources are already stretched with the war, but I might have a solution. With your permission I'd like to take a fighter out, I might be able to use my Telepathy to scan for Evahlia, it's a long shot, but worth a try."
"Does she know you're a Telepath?"
"She had her suspicions, but I kept my mind well shielded and dismissed it as barely more than Empathy."
"Do you plan to go out alone?"
"Yes, I can't shield my mind and a pilots."
"All right, you have my permission, just be careful, you know what their defences are like. We've lost too many cruisers already around Aquagius and Kalocia."
"Understood, I'll leave immediately."
The commander left the office and headed for the docking bay.
It was early morning on Kalocia. Evahlia woke up shaking with the cold. She glanced across the room and saw that Zareli and Dumarrak were still asleep. Quietly she got up and walked over to Zareli's bed, he was lying with his back towards her. Evahlia slipped off her cloak and boots and climbed into bed alongside Zareli.
He woke with a start and turned over to face her.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I was cold."
"Couldn't you have just taken a cover off the bed?"
"Well yes but…"
"I understand, you wanted to feel the warmth of my naked body against yours."
Evahlia started to back away from Zareli, he grinned and wrapped his arms around her.
"You have my respect Evahlia, understand that I would never take advantage of you."
"Thank you Zareli, I think our Clan has quite a different perspective on sleeping with someone, making love is a deeply spiritual experience. Often it is enough just to lie in someone's arms."
"At least you kept your clothes on, otherwise you would have experienced my perspective!"
Laughing softly, Evahlia drifted off to sleep.
When Evahlia woke up, she was alone in bed, she turned over to find Dumarrak's bed empty too. She got up, pulled on her boots, wrapped her cloak around her and left the room.
As Evahlia walked into the warehouse, she saw Dumarrak sitting at a terminal, she walked over to him, he turned round.
"Quite a surprise finding you in bed with Zareli, did you enjoy yourself?"
Evahlia slapped Dumarrak across the face, he grabbed hold of her wrist.
"Don't you ever do that to me again."
"I didn't realise how jealous you were Dumarrak, where is Zareli?"
"On a supply run to Del'ghao, he'll be back soon. And for your information, I am not jealous. I just didn't think you'd lower yourself to sleep with my brother."
"I wasn't sleeping with him, I was cold and…"
"Enough, I'm not getting into a petty argument over who you sleep with."
Dumarrak turned back to the terminal.
"I've been looking over the schematics for the implant, the materials it uses are obviously not availab
le out here. But on Aquagius we use something called Electranium, it's a crystal like substance. We use a derivative of it for fuel. I'm thinking that in it's pure state, we may be able to create the necessary materials for the implant."
Evahlia didn't respond, Dumarrak turned to face her.
"Is something wrong?"
"I'm sensing something…like someone is trying to scan me…it's not possible…"
"What are you talking about Evahlia?"
"Another Telepath…I don't know who…can you contact Zareli quickly, he's got to stop them."
"How do I tell him to look for a Telepath?"
"Don't be so stupid Dumarrak, he'll be in a ship of some sort, just do it quickly, I don't know how long I can block him."
Accessing a secure channel, Dumarrak sent a coded message to Zareli.
"Fortunately Zareli was just approaching Kalocia, we should hear something soon. Can you sense who it is?"
"If I try to find out, then he'll know I'm here, all I can do is shield my mind and hope that Zareli stops him soon."
A communication came through from Zareli.
"It was a military fighter, I got one shot before it headed back into military space, don't think I did much damage. I'm coming in."
The huge doors opened as Zareli bought his fighter into land, he disembarked and walked over to Evahlia.
"Would you like to tell me what just happened?"
"I sensed someone trying to scan me, or scan for me…was it a military fighter?"
"Yes, they don't have Telepaths, do they?"
"Damn, when I met with Commander Straken, I knew that one of his ancestors was a psychic. I asked if he was a Telepath but he denied it. I certainly didn't detect anything when I scanned him. Obviously I was wrong, he is a very powerful Telepath."
"Do you think he knows you are here?"
"I don't think so, I managed to block him, but there is always a possibility…"
"Shit I should have destroyed his fighter, that now makes Commander Straken our number one target. I think you've got to agree to us developing the implants as matter of urgency."